Mud fever
I highly recommend this product as part of your management of your horses legs to prevent or heal mud fever infections.
Fight Back™ is a powerful immune system support supplement designed to maintain natural immune function. Fight Back™ utilises ingredients best known for their natural health properties and benefits to aiding immune system function.
Fight Back™ is best fed daily. For best results, feed Fight Back™ for a minimum of 7-10 days. Most will see results within days. You won't be disappointed with the results of Fight Back™ but if you're in doubt, please call our free advice team on: 01453 836974. Fight Back™ is not designed to be fed alongside steroids/antihistamines.
Fight Back™ helps with:
Hypoallergenic formulation
Tell us about your horse via our FREE Diet Review Form. You may be surprised what we can help you with.
2 week Pack size recommended for short-term use, ideal to have for when you need it!
5 week Pack size more suitable for horses that benefit from regular use.
Application will vary substantially from horse to horse and season to season. Guideline rate for a 550KG horse is 1/2 a scoop.
Yeast Extracts, Calcium 35%, Vitamin C 5.7%.
I highly recommend this product as part of your management of your horses legs to prevent or heal mud fever infections.
I love this product it has helped my mare. She has just finished her 2nd 2 week pack. I also used this on my previous horse. I would thoroughly recommend this product it makes a huge difference. Thankyou Equifeast.
This product is very effective in the high pollen season.
I started feeding my horse fight back around 4 weeks ago. I thought she was struggling with pollen as her nostrils were flared as wide as possible and her resting breathing rate was faster than normal. Within 3 days her breathing was back to normal and has stayed like that. The oil seed rape is just coming out where we are so I shall be keeping her on fight back for now!
My mate suffers from skin allergies and becomes very itchy in the summer months. I used the 2 week trial pack and already her skin is looking glossy and her itching has reduced significantly. I would highly recommend this product to anyone with an itchy horse!
There’s much less scratching when it’s in her system.
After owning him for 5 years, my horse coat was poor and he was generally under the weather. We tried a range of different things and Fightback was the only thing to help! I now recommend it to anyone who has issues with their horses coat! Amazing stuff :)
We have been using FightBack for some years. It is the only supplement which helps our Welsh cob to cope with tree and grass pollen. His head shaking and nose rubbing is greatly reduced. Thank you Equifeast.
I have used Fight Back a couple of times now on two different horses who develop spots in the milder winter weather. Pleased to say that the spots have disappeared now.